Registration policies for
Music Together® Mixed-Age (0-5y) classes
Like most educational/school programs, we cannot refund tuition or give credit for classes missed during a 10 week session (or shorter summer session); even if the absences have been frequent. Also, the entire orientation of the Music Together program is toward extending the class experience into the child’s life outside of the class by means of parent education and supporting materials, such as the recordings and songbooks and the Family Music Zone. Tuition includes these items and consequently is not “wasted” even if the classes are missed.
Music Together is a curriculum-based program so drop-ins are not permitted.
If a class needs to be canceled due to teacher illness/absence or inclement weather, class will be rescheduled or the semester will be extended an extra week to make up the class time. You will be notified in the event of a cancellation. We follow Summit School District and their cancellation policy with regard to snow closures.
If the class for which you registered does not fill, you will be asked to move to your second choice day/time. If that is not possible, we will either credit you for another session or refund your tuition.
We offer many opportunities for you and your family to participate in a class setting before registering; therefore we do not give tuition refunds once the session has begun.
Older Siblings in Mixed-Age classes: Siblings in Kindergarten and up are counted as caregivers in mixed age classes and are welcomed in class (when space allows). Due to class size, please notify us in advance if you plan to bring older siblings.
Tuition for Mixed-Aged classes includes:
10 week, 8 week, or a 5 week semester
Collection-specific materials and support: CD; digital access to collection music via the free "Hello, Everybody" app (available on Google Play and iTunes); access to our Family Music Zone (activities and ideas for keeping music play going outside of class); guidebook with dvd for new families.
You will automatically receive a quarterly e-newsletter from our licensing organization, Music Together, LLC. This newsletter includes fun info, videos and other fun stuff to enrich your understanding and experience of our curriculum and of early childhood music learning.